Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Limited Budget - We Can Help

Does your organization use Raiser’s Edge? Do you rely on technology to keep your operations running smoothly? If you answered “Yes!” to either of these questions, then try to imagine what it’d be like to have the unlimited support of our technology gurus and database experts at your fingertips. As our clients, like Providence College and Theological Seminary  can attest, “It’s like a dream come true!”

To read more, click the link below.


  1. Robin - we love your prose! Your writing is always so entertaining & lovely. Thanks for this great blog & freeing up space in our limited budget sounds good.

  2. Three cheers for JP. Anything this guy gets involved with turns to gold. Robin Porter has hit a gold mine with JP on the team at RESolutions TECH.

  3. Robin you raise some really excellent challenges faced by organizations with limited budgets. The reality now in the business community is that there are increasing numbers of organization who have to do more with less. The RESolutionsTECH mandate to help organizations out of their financials slump is significant. This company is indeed refreshing since you surely don't get this type of support at the bank when things come crashing down. The very fact that RESolutionsTECH invests in an organization's future success is both innovative and indicative of the company's confidence in its services. Way to go, Robin! Happy Canada Day! Feel proud to be Canadian!
