Thursday, June 27, 2013

That's A Lot Of Data Exhaust! Need A Data Emissions Test?

That's A Lot Of Data Exhaust!  Need A Data Emissions Test?

Imagine if you were able to gauge your donors mood or sentiment to help determine the best time to solicit them for a gift?  An increasing number of companies are buying access to the social network fire hose which gives them access to every post made.  With this example of data exhaust, there are an incredible number of measures possible including sentiment.

Data exhaust is simply the data generated about us and not by us or in other words the data we commonly leave behind and do not keep or maintain in our Raiser's Edge database.  Are you aware of what data exhaust is being generated on the constituents in your Raiser's Edge?  Here are a few examples that you have access to now in varying degrees if you want.

Email - Good ability to access and make use of:
Delivered, Bounced, Undelivered, Opt-Outs, Unique Viewers, Social Viewers, Click-Throughs, Social Shares, Forwards, Response Times, Consecutive Actions, and then who is not is any of these groups.

Internet - Good ability to access but difficult to tie to specific individual:
Visits, Length on Page, Network Visiting, Browser Used, City, Country, Operating System, New vs. Returning, Frequency & Recency, Engagement, Mobile Device Used, Source, Pages Visited, Searches Done, Google Alerts, and then who is not falling into one of these groups.

Social Networks - Difficult to access and make use of on a large scale:
Likes, Comments, Shares, Posts, Tags, Mood, Relationships, Interests, Professions, Intelligence, and a lot more.

Mobile Apps - Impossible to access and make use of UNLESS you have your own app collecting the data exhaust for you:
Geo Tagging, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Photos, and a lot more.

I think what is most important for any charitable organization is to try to be more aware of what data exhaust they may be generating and to use it where ever you can.  Direct your constituents to online sources that you own or control to increase your access to this data.  A lot more is on the way.  The race is on to see who can make the best possible use of this form of big data called data exhaust!  :)

Here are some links that may assist:
1) SmogFarm -
2) gShiftLabs -
3) MailChimp -
4) Chimpegration -
5) App Data Privacy -
6) RETweet -


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