Thursday, July 29, 2010

Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labour!

Both In NetCommunity™ and the Garden

Hello, friends and fellow blog-readers! It’s been another gorgeous weekend here in Kingston. Once again, my wife and I spent a large part of it out in our garden. While the toil of garden work seems to be never-ending, my family is constantly provided with tremendous happiness as well. We reaped our rewards, as we were able to pick and enjoy our first delicious tomato crop of the year. These scrumptious tomatoes reminded me of some of my recent discussions regarding the creation of a website with Blackbaud’s® NetCommunity™.   Our partnership with SJ Consulting LLC has produced the following information every non-profit should be aware of when creating a website with NetCommunity™.

Start With Clean-Up

Gardening is a lot like building a website with NetCommunity™. It is a good idea to always begin the process with a little clean-up of the web space and the data from your Raiser’s Edge® database, decide what you hope to achieve from your website, and become knowledgeable of the tools you will be using to create the site.

What are the most common mistakes made while using NetCommunity™?
  • If you needed help with planting some cedar trees in your backyard, it wouldn’t make sense to call up a rose or tulip specialist. The same scenario is applicable to NetCommunity™. When you acquire designs/layouts from outside designers who have no knowledge or familiarity of NetCommunity™ (BBNC), or you hire developers to build your website who have only worked in Drupal or Convio, you are not making the best choice. The design setup may conflict with system functionality, and incorrect parts may be implemented. This will be of severe detriment to your entire website and your online mission to fundraise.
  • All gardens, no matter the size, are unique in their own way. Every garden has distinctive features that make it special. When creating an organization’s website(s) with BBNC, it should look completely one-of-a-kind. BBNC doesn’t utilize a “standard” design and it is not templated like other content management systems. Blackbaud® NetCommunity™ allows total design customization and the incorporation of 60+ functional website elements.
  • No one likes weeds, pests, or dead growth in their gardens. Yanking out dandelions or trimming back out-of-control grape vines can make a world of difference. Just like gardens need to be weeded on a regular basis, content and images in BBNC need to be kept fresh and up-to-date. Organizations and their developers are drastically underutilizing the ability to use scheduled parts, RSS feeds, discussion boards, Facebook Connect, personal pages, community sites, etc. to keep their website dynamic. This needs to be changed!
  • Some people might use grape vines to create privacy in their gardens, while others use grape vines to produce delicious grapes. The same applies to BBNC, using the philosophy of, “One size does not fit all!” One organization might use a donation form for an entirely different purpose than another. For both organizations, the initial donation form is the same, but BBNC’s design flexibility, field displays, sections, multi-payment options, and more allow the form to be tailored to fit each organization’s custom requirements.
  • Visiting greenhouses and garden centres, talking to nature enthusiasts, checking out other people’s gardens, browsing the Internet, and reading blogs like this one can increase your knowledge and awareness of the wonderful world of gardening. Broadening your horizons will provide you with insight and ideas beyond your wildest dreams! RESolutionsTECH has noticed that a lot of organizations only utilize about 5% of the 60+ functional elements that are available in BBNC. This is similar to planting simple geraniums every year and never daring to explore the vast assortment of other flowers and plants that are out there!
  • Bees are buzzing around the garden to pollinate your flowering plants. Your nieces are frolicking and singing their favourite songs joyously in the glowing summer sun. The neighbours have come over for a visit, too, and are gushing about how gorgeous your garden looks this year. All in all, there are several different types of communication that tend to go on in your garden. Knowledge is power, and the more understanding you possess, the better prepared you will be when havoc breaks loose (and a new breed of insect starts eating your hostas). With NetCommunity™, organizations have the ability to use E-mail Campaigns, which allow for cross-section analysis of various e-mail appeals and assorted methods of communication, targeted content to customize messaging on the website, and discussion boards to encourage communication with and between constituents.  Tracking all types of communication will let you better understand what is working and what is not so you can shape future emails and website strategy.

What can a charity can do with NetCommunity™ to make its website rock?
  • Garden parties and summer BBQs are always fun ways to share the fruits of your gardening labours with your friends and loved ones. This can be accomplished in NetCommunity™ websites by incorporating social media networking.
  • Discuss your garden with those around you to learn more and help others do the same. A NetCommunity™ website engages users with surveys, discussion forums, polls, and personal pages.
  • Many factors need to be taken into consideration when deciding what to plant in your garden. How much sun will the area receive? What is the soil like? Who will be able to view the garden? Is it on public display, or is it private and only for family and friends? A NetCommunity™ website has many similar aspects to your beloved garden. There are options to customize your content - whole sections of websites, single pages, or small segments of pages – to site users who are logged in. Targeted content can be based on any segment of constituents in Raiser’s Edge® and categorized by geographic region, donor level, interests, event participation, chapter engagement, etc.
  • It’s often a good idea to keep it simple in the garden. Introducing several new species at once, or planting too many things in a congested area, is not the best way to get plants to thrive. Plants can get choked out, die, or simply never live up to their full growth potential. The same applies to users who visit a NetCommunity™ website. With multi-payment processing, users can make a donation, register for an event, and update their membership with a one-time payment of total amount. This is far more efficient, effective, and less stressful than restricting constituents to paying for multiple items individually.
  • Maintaining a consistent, well-planned theme in your garden enables better flow and a much more desirable appearance.  It is the same with NetCommunity™.  Tie the design of your e-mails into the overall website design so recipients become aware of the brand and the organization's cause, and respond by taking action, making a donation, registering for an event, and more!

End With Clean-Up

Whether in NetCommunity™ or Raiser’s Edge®, or washing the fresh cucumbers you have just harvested from your garden, it is always ideal to finish off with a bit of tidying up.

Reaping What You Sow

My wife and I have yielded much wealth from our garden this year. We picked cherries from our backyard and turned them into a mouth-watering sour cherry pie. More recently, we added some of our own juicy tomatoes to a fantastic Caprese salad. Being able to enjoy our fresh, organic produce that we nurtured from start to finish is incredibly rewarding. Hard work pays off, and good things come to those who wait. With NetCommunity™, you can reap what you sow too! Your website should
increase donation and event revenues and you can experience, first-hand, the level of engagement between your cause and your supporters. The more thought you put into your BBNC website, the more your supporters will pay attention.

Parallel Universe

Not every charity has the resources to purchase or lease one of the NetCommunity™ products (i.e. Sphere, Spark, etc.).  In this case, just as in gardening, there is always another option.  We recommend looking at some of the open source solutions such as WordPress, Joomla and CiviCRM. Amazingly enough, they are totally free!   Similarly, when my wife and I decided to delve into the world of gardening, many of our friends gave us plants from their own gardens. We nurtured them year after year, and now our garden is flourishing more than ever before!

Let your website flourish like our delicious
cherry tomatoes. Contact us at or (866) 776-5414 to begin reaping your rewards!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Communication and Team Work are the Keys to Success!

"When trying to express oneself, it's frankly quite absurd, To leaf through lengthy lexicons to find the perfect word. A little spontaniaty keeps conversation keen, You need to find a way to say, precisely what you mean..." -- Mary Poppins

Our clients come first at RESolutionsTECH. We are actively listening to you and constantly searching for new ways to improve our efficiency and provide you with the highest quality of service possible.

Although we strive for excellence in everything we do, our organization truly believes that there is always room for progression, growth, and improvement. Relationships with our clients can never be too strong.

We aim to provide you with the best possible service, in a timely manner, with guaranteed results.  We are committed to assisting not-for-profits, colleges, and universities utilize technology to generate income, reduce costs, and improve constituent relationships.

One aspect that sets RESolutionsTECH apart from the crowd is the personal interaction and tailored support that we offer our clients.  As technology continues to rapidly change and evolve, we see opportunities to become even more personalized while simultaneously increasing our efficiency.

We’re all about establishing a partnership and working with our clients so that they can best communicate their needs and immediate priorities to us.  Whether it is a request for training, a data audit, database clean-up, or an immediate and critical technology issue, the means by which these requests are communicated can have a tremendous impact on the timeliness and accuracy of the solution that we provide.
Not only do we demand an unparalleled level of service from our staff, our clients have come to expect and depend on it as well. It is crucial to establish and maintain clear lines of communication between RESolutionsTECH staff and clients.  There is a “communication partnership” that must be employed so that:

·      The client can clearly and thoroughly communicate the request to us, and
·      RESolutionsTECH can clearly and thoroughly communicate the solution back to the client.

This communication partnership benefits both us and our clients. Clients see improved and more efficient results, which lead to excellent value for their organization. At RESolutionsTECH, improved efficiency and client satisfaction results in renewal of business, referrals and testimonials, and new business opportunities.

Thus, this two-way communication partnership is mutually beneficial. There are several things that can be done to ensure that client requests are handled in a timely and efficient manner and that the solutions provided by RESolutionsTECH are clearly presented to best meet the client’s needs. 

Our clients are given access to a secure on-line environment referred to as ‘The Portal’ through which requests and solutions are documented, updated and followed-up on. This ensures efficiency, accountability, and value.

In order for RESolutionsTECH to generate a thorough and accurate solution, the client should provide, as clearly and with as much detail as possible, the following information:

·      Subject:  A short, yet self-descriptive and meaningful title for the request.

·      Description:  A detailed description of the request.  Sufficient detail provided by the client at the time of the request helps to eliminate the need for follow-up questions and clarifications. 

·      Due Date:  The client should provide a realistic preferred date of completion, thus assisting us in the management of our daily priorities. 

·      Contact Person:  The individual making the request on behalf of a client should provide a lead contact name for any follow-up questions or clarifications.  This person from the client organization takes ownership of the request.

·      Request Type:  Whether it is a request for a training session, a data audit, data clean-up, data transfer/integration, or any technology-related questions, indicating the request type will ensure the task is delegated to the most appropriate RESolutionsTECH team member.

·      Priority:   While clients invariably perceive all of their requests as top priority, in order to maximize efficiency and value, it is important that a method of “Plan Schedule Implement” is introduced. This will ensure that tasks are not only completed in a timely manner, but also thoroughly and with 100% accuracy.

Of course, there will be instances when requests are of an urgent nature, and due to the immediacy of the situation, other priorities may need to be shifted in order to complete the high-priority task.

The request should be as clear and concise as possible, and depending on the nature of the request; there may be additional information that the client can provide to ensure that the task is completed to the best of our abilities.  For example, if the request involves a query, an export, a report or data integration, information such as inclusions/exclusions is needed to ensure that the solution provided contains PRECISELY the data the client requires.  For technical issues or question examples, screen shots and supporting documentation can be extremely helpful.  Clients can provide us with an outline or sketch of their ideal report, or actual real-time data from their system, with confidence that their data is safe and secure at all times.

At RESolutionsTECH, we too have the responsibility to maintain open lines of communication, thoroughly outline the progress of our work, and to provide complete solutions that fulfill the needs of all clients.

Once a request has been submitted, RESolutionsTECH will provide the client with:

·      An Action Track:  This will clearly define the steps required to complete the request.  Each type of request has a pre-defined action track that outlines the typical steps required for completion.

·      A RESolutionsTECH Team Member:  Each request is delegated to a team member who becomes responsible for completing the task.

·      Expected Completion Timeframe:  This date is continually updated by the RESolutionsTECH team and communicated regularly to the client.  It is based on the client’s required date of completion and our knowledge and experience based on the requirements of the task.

·      Time Spent On Request:  RESolutionsTECH will provide a measure of how much time we have spent working towards the completion of the request.  In this way, clients can easily assess the value of partnering with RESolutionsTECH.

RESolutionsTECH is further enhancing client relationships by implementing a constituent survey that outlines the needs and priorities of clients and staff.

Whenever possible, we also use genuine client data and relevant, real-world examples. Sample data is usually not able to accurately communicate requests or solutions.

The goal of a quick response time benefits both the client and RESolutionsTECH, and is best acquired by working together and maintaining open lines of communication.  By having all requests and solutions logged in one centralized location, we are ensuring that information is secure and able to be shared between the client and RESolutionsTECH team members.  Requests are never mislaid, over-looked or left unfinished. The client can always check the progress to see what has been completed and what is still in progress. Clients can fully gauge our value and determine if expectations are being met.

It is vital that all RESolutionsTECH clients truly feel that our services are well worth the investment. We want you to get the most “Bang For Your Buck”

On a daily basis, we strive to improve the efficiency and quality of our services. The personal relationships that we have established with our clients mean everything to us. Although we embrace a variety of new technologies, we will never forget our personal touches and will always follow up requests and solutions with a one-on-one phone call.

At RESolutionsTECH, we pride ourselves on not only working for our clients, but being a part of their team. By working closely with you, we can ensure that our services are of maximum value and benefit to your organization.

How we provide superior value to our clients and always strive to improve our services:

a) Integrity: Conduct all our consulting services with the highest level of integrity and honesty at every stage of the client relationship, and in everything we do.

b) Compliance: Stop, think, and ask! Adhere to standardized approaches and follow all legal rules and regulations.

c) Value Creation: Create real long-term value via economic means by offering affordable consulting services with a proven track record.  Our Total Support Package ( offers clients the maximum value for their investment.

d) Principled Entrepreneurship: Create value to RESolutionsTECH, employees, clients, and society.  Working with charities who improve so many lives is a privilege and honour for our entire team. We find ourselves humbled by our clients’ global spirit on a continual basis.

e) Customer Focus:  Anticipate and satisfy the needs of our clients with prompt response time and the highest quality of service. Our corporate goal is to always go above and beyond the clients’ expectations.

f) Knowledge: Seek and utilize the most in-depth knowledge possible. We are Raiser’s Edge Experts and have a deep understanding of our clients and their data. We love acquiring new knowledge because it allows us to improve our services to you!

g) Change: Embrace change! Always look for new methods to replace old, out-dated procedures. Strive to be more efficient and utilize technology as a tool.

h) Humility: Practice humility and intellectual honesty with clients, prospects and fellow team members at every stage and level of relationships.

i) Respect: Dignity, honesty, respect, and sensitivity = teamwork

j) Fulfillment: Produce results that create value; allow clients to reach their full potential!

RESolutionsTECH is always striving to not only meet, but exceed the aforementioned Market-Based Management Guidelines. These goals and guidelines are the core of everything we do. Your RESolutionsTECH team is here to work with you, make your life easier and do everything within our power to manage your technology needs as efficiently as possible.

We love assisting our clients in the areas of Measuring Results, Database Optimization, Internet Marketing, Communications Efficiency, Network Support, Software Implementation, and providing Support Systems.  Strong communication during requests and solutions improves efficiency and accountability for all parties involved.

Together, as a team, we will use technology to generate more revenue, reduce operating costs and improve constituent relationships.

To get the most bang for your buck, contact us at or (866) 776-5414.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Fundraiser’s Dream: A Dashboard That Gets Results

The Fundraiser’s Dream: A Dashboard That Gets Results

As you head into your quarterly board meeting, you’re looking forward to touching base with them and making sure that everyone is on the same page. However, you’re experiencing stress and frustration because you haven’t been able to generate a thorough snapshot of your campaign’s current status. You marvel at how much easier your life would be if you simply had the ability to do so with the click of a button!

Has your staff ever been required to spend countless hours manually creating a report of total dollars raised? Are you uncomfortable with, and untrusting of, the accuracy of the reports which come from your database?

Why does your organization continue to tolerate the same aggravating problems each and every time a campaign report is needed? You deserve better!

It’s time to take action and stop beating around the bush. RESolutionsTECH’s sympathetic and highly-trained team is here to eliminate your reporting dilemmas and rid you of your unnecessary frustrations, once and for all!

So, how can you accomplish this? Here are the basic do-it-yourself steps to create your own Dashboards:
  • Create your dream report manually; this only needs to be done once.
  • Clearly document each data element and summary field in your report.
  • Document what is possible and what is not based on your current database setup.
  • Create and implement steps to improve your database setup.
  • Create desired reporting without having to re-do them manually ever again.

The Dashboard
The Raiser’s Edge offers several different methods of retrieving information and reporting on data. Your data can be displayed in any number of formats.  One of the most visually appealing ways of displaying information in Raiser’s Edge is through the use of the Dashboard feature.

The Dashboard provides a real-time summary of information that can be customized for any user’s unique reporting needs and displayed at the click of a button.  The purpose of the Dashboard is to give the Raiser’s Edge user fast, accurate and up-to-date information on where the organization is at in terms of reaching specific goals.  These goals can be related to fundraising, volunteer management, solicitor management or event participation.  Dashboards are easily built to display tables, graphs, or both.  They are excellent for reports of analytical, statistical or financial information within Raiser’s Edge. 

For example, Dashboards can be built to display all donations in a current month or current year based on an organization’s top 50 prospects.  A Dashboard can be used to compare related Funds, Appeals or Campaigns in order to give a quick representation of how close an organization is to reaching its fundraising goals or to compare and analyze fundraising results over time.  In other words, the Raiser’s Edge user has tremendous flexibility as to how the Dashboard is built, the information it contains and how that data is displayed.  The graphs and tables created in the Dashboard present information obtained from several different areas throughout Raiser’s Edge, thereby giving users the options necessary to build Dashboards that are most relevant to their needs and their role within the organization.

While Dashboards are typically the most popular with senior management personnel who require real-time information to be displayed easily without building queries or reports, every Raiser’s Edge user, regardless of her/his role, will appreciate the visually dynamic display of information.  In addition to traditional Dashboards, other types of Dashboards are being put to good use by charities and non-profit organizations of all sizes.

Alternative Uses of Dashboard
  • Data entry problems (e.g. Errors in entering new constituents, gifts, and actions).
  • Donations outside predicted giving level (e.g. Predicted annual fund donor gives major gift).
  • Prospect activity (e.g. Major gift donor attends recent event).
  • Fundraiser inactivity (e.g. Fundraisers are not making enough visits to meet with donors).
  • Pipeline activity (e.g. Projected gift that is 10% close to closing moves up to 90% close to closing).

Other Reporting Options
Keep in mind however, that like any pre-built reporting tool, there are certain limitations to Dashboard. This means that there’s a chance you might not be able to generate the exact information you require.  If your organization finds that Dashboards are not able to meet all of your visual reporting needs, then creating a Crystal Report might be your best alternative.  A Crystal Report provides all the benefits of both a traditional report and a Dashboard while alleviating the built-in restrictions that naturally hinder the Raiser’s Edge reporting functionalities.  Do not let anything get in the way of acquiring the reporting that you need.  Anything is possible!  Be careful what you ask for though; the results of such precise reporting tools can sometimes be a little too real. J

How Can Your Organization Take It To The Next Level?
  • Dashboards e-mailed to you on a daily basis.
  • Automatic e-mailing to notify you of key milestones being met or not.
  • Instant access to Dashboards from your Blackberry, iPhone, or iPad.
  • Dashboards based on external data (e.g. social networks, web and e-mail metrics).
  • Real-time predictive model Dashboards (e.g. top major giving, annual giving, planned giving prospects).

Do You Get External Help?
It is also important to remember that like all reporting tools, the Dashboard is reflective of the data that is input into Raiser’s Edge. Therefore, accurate information can only be retrieved if data is being populated into Raiser’s Edge in a consistent and accurate manner.  The notion of “Garbage In – Garbage Out” applies just as much to the Dashboard feature as it does to reports and queries.  In fact, Dashboards can help identify where problems exist within your database.  Creating a Dashboard is a great first step to getting rid of your garbage data.

How to Get What You Need and Save Money
  • Sketch out your dream report.
  • Document data elements and summary fields in a report.
  • Request a quote from a consultant to complete your dream report.
  • Decide which method of reporting makes the most economic sense: utilizing an internal team, a consultant, or both.
  • Measure how much time and money you can save your organization.

With any database system, the ability to retrieve accurate, real-time information is an absolute necessity. Raiser’s Edge is no different.  The reason that an organization carefully and accurately tracks and maintains Constituent information is so that analytical, statistical, demographical and financial data can be retrieved from the system.  Frequently, however, this can be a burdensome and difficult task, and often the end results are not as intended in either format or content.  At RESolutionsTECH, we are data clean-up and reporting experts and can assist your organization in retrieving accurate data in any format you wish.  Whether you require queries, standard reports, Dashboards, or Crystal Reports, our goal is to ensure that you receive the information you need, in the format you desire, with the absolute highest level of accuracy possible.

Next Steps – What RESolutionsTECH Can Do For You
  • Provide a quote on any Raiser’s Edge-related task.
  • Train staff on how to be more self-sufficient with your database and reporting needs.
  • Clean up your database to ensure a higher accuracy of reporting.
  • Create all of your single-click dream reports.
  • Assist you with analyzing your reports to improve fundraising results.

RESolutionsTECH is here to assist your organization and make life easier. Let’s get rid of your frustrations and improve the quality of your database. Stop daydreaming, and make accurate, efficient reporting an everyday reality.

Contact us at or (866) 776-5414 to start living your dreams!

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